Here lyeth ye dody of George Ld Berkeley, Baron of Berkeley, Mowbray, Seagrave & Brvce, & Kt of ye Bath, who dep'ced this ye 10th day of Aug. A.D. 1658. He married Elizabeth second daughter & coheir of Sr Michael Stanhope of Sudborne in ye County of Suffolke Kt, by whom he had issue, Charles, Elizabth & George. Charles drowned in his passage to France January 27, 1641 Elizabeth, married to Edward Coke Esq, Grandchild & Heire to Sr Edward Coke Kt, sometimes Ld chiefe Justice of both Benches. She dyed Novem: 9. A.D. 1661. & lyeth buried at Heigham in Norfolke. And George Lord Berkeley now living. This deceased Ld besides ye nobility of his birth & ye experience he acquired by forraigne trauailes, was very eminent for ye greats candor & ingenuity of his disposition, his singular Bounty & affability towards his Inferiors, and his readines (had it bin in his power) to have obliged all mankind.